Visit of Syiah Kuala University Aceh to UPN Veterans Jakarta


From the faraway city of Mecca, the Rector of Syiah Kuala University (hereinafter abbreviated as USK) Dr. Ir. Irmawan, IPU together with the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Medicine, Syiah University, Dr. dr. Safrizal Rahman, M.Kes., Sp. OT and Director of RSP – USK dr. Iflan Nauval, M.ScIH, Sp.GK (K) made a visit to the UPNVJ campus on Friday (27/5/2022) in order to follow up the preparation for the construction of a state university hospital as well as establish friendship.

Located in the Nusantara I Meeting Room UPNVJ, the Rector and her staff welcomed the arrival of the Unsyiah Kuala University group with a warm banquet. While chatting casually, the Rector of UPNVJ talked about the Hospital Construction at USK and the medical specialist program at USK. This is intended as a place to learn and exchange information for both parties.

UPNVJ also did not hesitate to share information about the Hyperbaric Chamber which is the only one in Universities in Indonesia. The Rector even happily brought together guests from USK with hyperbaric chamber expert, Prof. Dr. dr. M Guritno Suryokusumo, SMHS, DEA who is also a professor and lecturer at UPNVJ. The meeting was held in person at the UPNVJ MERCE Clinic located on the UPNVJ Limo Campus, Cinere, Depok. In this meeting, Prof. Guritno introduced and explained the hyperbaric chamber to the USK group.


The visit to the Hyperbaric Chamber Laboratory was also based on the wishes of Prof. Guritno longed for the develompent of hyperbaric science in other universities in Indonesia. Through the Rector, he expressed his hope to be able to cooperate with other universities in terms of research and theoretical studies regarding hyperbaric. USK is considered to be one of the universities that is capable and qualified for this.

On this occasion, the Rector of USK and his staff expressed their readiness and openness to collaborate with UPNVJ, especially the Faculty of Medicine. One example of the collaboration offered is online learning for elective blocks by USK lecturers for UPNVJ medical students.

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