Briefing and Submission of Decrees Became the Beginning of UPNVJ CPNS in carrying out their duties


Veteran UPN Jakarta Chancellor Prof. Dr. Erna Hernawati, Ak, CPMA, CA submitted 50 Ministerial Decrees and CPNS Assignments consisting of 48 Lecturers and 2 education staff, in the Auditorium Room of the Faculty of Medicine UPNVJ, Thursday (30/6/2022).

Prof. Erna said that this was the beginning of his service as a State Civil Apparatus, both lecturers and education staff within UPNVJ.

"This decree is the beginning of the journey of your service as a State Civil Apparatus who instills the values ​​of Defending the State, because UPNVJ is a campus that has the identity of Defending the State by providing public services to students, carrying out development and carrying out roles as lecturers and staff. education for the progress of UPNVJ," said Prof. Erna started the speech.

Prof. Erna hopes that all their sacrifices and hard work will not be wasted just because they have committed a violation, especially because as State Civil Apparatuses (ASN) they are bound by the rules of general law and employment regulations that oblige them to act ethically at all times.

After the submission of the decree, the CPNS also received directions regarding the obligations and rules as ASN which were given directly by the vice chancellor for academics, Dr. Anter Venus, MA, Comm, Vice Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance Dr. Prasetyo Hadi, SE., MM., CFMP, and the Head of the General Bureau of the handover of the decree was attended by the ranks of the Deans and the leaders of the UPNVJ work units. Furthermore, all UPNVJ CPNS will carry out Orientation or basic education activities.

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