Celebrating World Environment Day, UPNVJ BEM Planted 110 Mangrove Tree Seeds

UPNVJ PR – In collaboration with Bank Negara Indonesia and the mangrovejkt.id community, BEM UPN Veterans Jakarta for Social Affairs held a Mangrovenesia activity in which 110 mangrove tree seedlings were planted. Not only that, 100 fish and shrimp eggs were also scattered. The event was held to coincide with the commemoration of World Environment Day which was held on June 5 yesterday.

Quoting the remarks of the Chairman of the UPNVJ BEM, Bilal Sukarno, loving the earth should not just be an idea but requires real action. UPNVJ BEM proved their seriousness in preserving and protecting the earth through this Mangrovenesia event. “Today we show that we really love this earth. Because actually my friends, we are here borrowing the earth. Earth is not inherited from our ancestors but we borrow from our children and grandchildren. So after all we must love the earth. Who else will take care of it if not us?” Bilal exclaimed excitedly.


This activity was held in Tanjung Burung Mangrove Edutourism, Tangerang, Banten. UPNVJ BEM came to the location accompanied by Task Executor Head of AKPK Bureau, UHT and BMN Coordinator, and Student Affairs Sub-Coordinator. Meanwhile, the mangrove tree seedlings were going to be planted downstream of the Cisadane River which  approximately 20 minutes by boat. This location was chosen because according to the Head of Activities, Farhan, the downstream location of the Cisadane River is still full of garbage and the irrigation is still poor. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out campaign actions to create a healthy environment such as planting mangrove tree seedlings. "We have great desire to create a healthy and healthy aquatic ecosystem with concrete actions that are reflected in the mindset and behavior of the academic community who are environmentally friendly by planting mangrove plants," he said in his opening remarks.

When interviewed by the Public Relations Team, Farhan explained the reasons behind choosing the activity of planting mangrove tree seedlings over other activities. UPNVJ BEM together with partners have the main goal of improving aquatic ecosystems, especially in river mouths and on the coast. As is well known, one of the uses of mangrove trees is to maintain abrasion around water areas.

The intention and commitment of the UPNVJ BEM friends is certainly very much supported by the campus and also the environmentalist community. The founder of mangrovejkt.id, Paundra Hanutama, is grateful for the opportunity given to work together in preserving the environment. Paundra also hopes that in the future various other positive collaborations will continue to be created. This activity is also known to be supported by the Ciganjur Fish Breeding Center.


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