Developing Lecturer Skills, UPNVJ Holds AA and PEKERTI ToT Training


HumasUPNVJ - UPN Veterans Jakarta held training for Trainers/Facilitators (Training for Trainers) for the Applied Approach (AA) and PEKERTI (Improvement of Basic Skills Instructional Techniques) programs.

This first activity was officially opened by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Dr. Drs. Anter Venus MA, and was attended by 25 participants from 7 faculties in the UPN Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) environment.

This training is held in collaboration with the State University of Jakarta (UNJ) and will last for 5 days with the agenda of activities on the first and second days in the form of debriefing, the third day of assignments, the fourth day of evaluation of the practice of delivering material and the fifth day is a review and final briefing from the AA facilitator team. -UPNVJ character.

In his speech Dr. Drs. Anter Venus said that the AA & PEKERTI ToT training was conducted as a preparation for UPNVJ to organize its own AA & PEKERTI training for UPNVJ internal lecturers.

"As a PTN that has passed the transition stage and is now moving to the performing stage which is characterized by the independence of human resources, it is time for UPN to hold training for developing PEKERTI and AA basic skills for lecturers," said Venus.

Furthermore, Anter Venus said that the training or the AA-PEKERTI ToT is intended so that UPNVJ has internal human resources who master and are concerned with the development of pedagogical skills starting from basic ideas or educational philosophies, educational paradigms, learning models, understanding education management policies. in Indonesia to the practice of learning in higher education ranging from curriculum preparation, lesson plans, developing teaching materials, how to communicate in each lesson, to evaluating learning.

"Each of these training materials or modules must be mastered by the lecturer and specifically the lecturer who will become the AA-PEKERTI Facilitator must master 1-2 main modules of his choice," said Venus.

Venus hopes that this ToT can really produce qualified AA-Pekerti facilitator candidates who will become models in the effective, interactive and fun learning process in the classroom. The facilitators who become models in mastering pedagogical skills in teaching generation Z and millennial students.

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