Menristekdikti Period 2014-2019 Contents of Public Lecture Policy Directions for the Development of Indonesian Higher Education at UPNVJ

HumasUPNVJ - In preparation for UPN "Veteran" Jakarta towards a State University with Legal Entity (PTN-BH), a Public Lecture was held which presented an extraordinary speaker namely Prof. Drs. H. Mohamad Nasir, Ak., M.Sc. Ph.D as Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education for the 2014-2019 period on Friday (20/01/2023) at the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium, UPNVJ Rector Building.


The discussion that will be carried out through this public lecture basically addresses two main points. First, it relates to the preparations that must be made towards PTN-BH. This status change is basically regulated and stated explicitly in the National Education System Bill, "The National Education System Bill has an explicit message that is related to Higher Education institutions. PTNs that are already sufficiently developed and have BLU status are expected to soon reach PTN-BH. We also ask for insight into the preparations we need to make to achieve this." Venus said in the opening of the public lecture.

In addition to preparation, today's discussion is also expected to be able to provide insight to all UPNVJ academics who are present regarding the future direction of development of Indonesian education policy. Anter Venus, MA, Comm has a close relationship with the phenomenon of global education development. "Ladies and gentlemen, what is clear is that we have discussed the challenges of disruption many times due to communication and information technology, sustainable development goals , demographic bonuses, and including policies in the field of education which are very dynamic and of course are the elements that also determine how the development of our future education.” he continued.

The activity was followed by a presentation of material by Prof. Nasir who wanted to answer UPNVJ's questions regarding PTN-BH so far.


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