To follow up the collaboration, LPPM UPNVJ held a meeting with the Depok City Government


HumasUPNVJ - Institute for Research and Community Service UPN "Veteran" Jakarta attended a meeting with Bappeda Kota Depok. The meeting which was held at the Depok Mayor's Building discussed the follow-up cooperation between UPN "Veteran" Jakarta and the Depok City Government. (16/1)

The activity began with the presentation of research work programs, community service, and the Business Incubator (Inkubiz) by Plh. Chairman of LPPM, Dr. Ibnu Malkan Bakhrul Ilmi, S.Gz., M.Sc.

"Our goal is to visit the Depok City Bappeda Office to follow up on the cooperation that has existed before. We will also present several excellent fields of research and community service at UPNVJ," said Dr. Ibnu Malkan Bakhrul Ilmi, S.Gz., M.Sc.

As for some of UPNVJ's leading fields to support sustainable urban development, namely Energy and Environment, Health, Economics, Social Law, and Information and Communication Technology.

Head of Bappeda Depok City, Drs. Dadang Wihana M.Si, also enthusiastically responded with several excellent topics needed by the people and government of Depok City. "From the topics in UPNVJ, it can be integrated with the topics needed by the City of Depok," he said.

Furthermore, the Head of the Bappeda City of Depok also hopes that there will be harmony between research topics and community service. This is intended so that the results of research conducted by lecturers can be applied directly in the community environment.

"I hope that all proposals can be integrated with research and community service. If the research already exists, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that the research can be applied in the Depok City area,” added Drs. Dadang Wihana, M.Sc.

UPNVJ lecturers are expected to be able to conduct research and community service in 63 sub-districts in Depok City. "If you can't reach 63 sub-districts, you can take sub-districts in the West, Central and East," said Drs. Dadang Wihana, M.Sc.

"For further collaboration, we can hold a meeting with UPNVJ lecturers to discuss topics of activities to be carried out in Depok City," he concluded.


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