Coming Away from Banda Aceh, UTU Visits UPNVJ in the Context of a Comparative Study on the Transition of University Status

HumasUPNVJ - As a university that has also recently changed its status from Working Unit to PTN-BLU, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta has received visits from other universities several times in order to conduct studies on this status change. This time, on Tuesday (17/01), UPNVJ welcomed a group from Teuku Umar University (UTU), Banda Aceh.

A comparative study with the theme "Transformation of Higher Education Through Changes in Management Status" was carried out as a pre-preparation for the proposed change from PTN Sarker to PTN-BLU. UTU thinks that if it is necessary to study directly in order to get a complete picture of the business process for preparing supporting documents.


Gathering in the LP3M meeting room, the group was warmly welcomed by the Head of LP3M Satria Yudha Wijaya, SE, MS, Ak and also the secretary of LP3M Dr. Ni Putu Eka Widiastuti, SE, M.Si., CSRS. Satria opened the meeting by recalling the process UPNVJ had gone through in order to obtain PTN-BLU status, "Thank God UPN has already changed its previous status from satker to BLU and even now we are still in the process, sir. We got this BLU in May 2021. We have been processing it for almost a year just to submit the BLU proposal. But before and after there were also many activities.” Said Satria to the UTU group.

Even after holding PTN-BLU status, UPNVJ admits that everything is not over. UPNVJ still has many things to work on, one of which is implementing remuneration. Basically the change in status to BLU emphasizes the welfare of the entire UPNVJ academic community through an increasingly excellent service improvement. This is an advice for UTU when it comes to dealing with the ministry of finance to make service improvement for stakeholders the fundamental reason.

The activity was followed by an in-depth discussion between the two parties. Through this activity, it is hoped that UPNVJ can provide enlightenment for other universities, especially UTU based on UPNVJ's experience.


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