FK Dean Election: Attend FK Senate Closed Meeting, Chancellor Supports dr. Taufiq Returns to Become Dean

HumasUPNVJ - The Chancellor and all the big family of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta gave full support to Dr. dr. Taufiq Fredrik Pasiak, M.Kes, M.Pd.I who was re-elected as Dean of FK for the 2023-2027 period.

The election and determination of the new Dean period was carried out today (07/03) through a closed meeting of the FK Senate which was held in the meeting room on the 2nd floor of the Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Building. Dr. dr. Taufiq returned to carry out the mandate to serve as the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine after obtaining 100% approval from the Senate of the Faculty of Medicine plus the Chancellor.

Based on the information conveyed by the Chancellor of UPNVJ in his speech, a series of selection processes have been carried out since January 2023 starting with selecting prospective deans, administrative selection, conveying vision and mission, and finally interviewing track records. Through the entire series, one candidate was obtained, namely Dr. dr. Taufiq, which reached the final stage, namely the election of the dean through a closed senate session.


The Chancellor expressed his pro with the results of the FK Senate deliberations on this election, "Ladies and gentlemen, I have in principle agreed with Dr. Taufiq as FK dean. Well, I'll return to the results of today's senate meeting. Venus said, expressing support for dr. Taufik. Venus certainly hopes for the leadership of Dr. Taufiq can continue and realize the work programs that were previously being carried out as well as those that will be carried out in order to bring FK to a better direction.


dr. Hikmah Muktamiroh, M.Med.Ed, Sp.KKLP as Head of Senar FK advised dr. Taufiq so that the next leadership period will be an opportunity to improve . It is great hope that the ideals of FK, including educational hospitals, biomedical radiology, can be achieved in the next five years.


As the elected Dean for the 2023-2027 period, dr. Taufiq is grateful to still be given this trust and responsibility. He asked for support and direction from the Chancellor and his staff as well as all colleagues at the Faculty of Medicine, "The presence of friends at the Faculty of Medicine is very meaningful to me. There is a great constructive spirit from all colleagues, behind the characters and the dynamics that are happening. I ask for support and direction from ladies and gentlemen.” said dr. Taufiq in his speech.

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