UPNVJ Holds Sharing Session of International Lecturer Competency Program

HumasUPNVJ - In order to improve the quality of teaching human resources at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta (UPNVJ). The Chancellor through the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) UPNVJ held a socialization of the SAME program aimed at lecturers with Doctoral degrees in Indonesia, on Friday (19/05/23).

The SAME (Scheme for Academic Mobility and Exchange) program is a Dikti program to send selected lecturers with Doctoral degrees in Indonesia to learn about research activities and scientific publications in the international academic world.

Through this program, lecturers with Doctoral degrees have the opportunity to study conducting research and scientific publications at prestigious universities abroad.


"The government provides quite a large amount of funds to increase the capacity of our lecturers, not only to build networks but also to feel the atmosphere abroad, starting from research activities, learning and others," said Dr. Drs. Anter Venus, Chancellor of UPNVJ in his speech.

The Chancellor also hopes that this program can be utilized optimally by all UPNVJ lecturers, because he believes that there are many benefits to be gained from self-development and a wider network, then the benefits for the university can also increase UPNVJ KPI.

In the LPPM UPNVJ Sharing Session, 4 speakers were invited who were recipients of the SAME, Post-doctoral, and World Class Professor programs. Among others, Dr. Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem as Recipient of the 2021 DIKTI Post-Doc Program at the University of Oxford) and the 2022 Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program at Harvard University. Andri Pramesyanti, Ph.D as the recipient of the 2022 SAME DIKTI Program at Universiti Sains Malaysia. Dr. Arif Sabta Aji as Recipient of the 2021 World Class Professor Program from Alma Ata University and Dr. Muhamad Alif Razi as Recipient of the 2023 Post-Doc Program at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN).

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