Improving the Quality of Public Information Disclosure, UPNVJ Holds KI Technical Guidance

HumasUPNVJ - In accordance with Law no. 14 of 2008, concerning Public Information Disclosure, one of which aims to guarantee the rights of citizens to know plans for making public policies, public policy programs, and public decision-making processes, as well as the reasons for making a public decision, UPN Veteran Jakarta is committed to improving the quality of information disclosure public to all stake holders and society. In line with this, at the direction of the Chancellor of UPNVJ, Public Relations presented Siti Ajijah, as Expert Assistant to the Central Information Commission, this activity took place in the UPNVJ Nusantara 1 meeting room. (18/7)

Ajijah explained that UPNVJ still had to complete the things needed, especially the data on the main UPNVJ website .


Anter Venus in his remarks said that UPNVJ continues to be committed to providing informative information, "UPNVJ is committed to being open in accordance with the Information Disclosure Constitution. All institutions are obliged to provide information for the rights of the community. Our goal is to fulfill the function of providing information to the public. We must be known more deeply by the community, for UPNVJ's reputation to be much better. One of them is like our public relations who are always good at carrying out their duties. However, we want to achieve many targets, one of which is for this public information, "explained the Chancellor

Ajijah also said that in accordance with the meaning of KI itself, it is the government's obligation to provide sufficient and easy access for the public to obtain the necessary information. This is done so that the community can participate in policy making and make the right decisions.


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