Establishing Strong Collaboration, LPPM UPNVJ and Global Health Focus Hold Global Health Event

HumasUPNVJ - Global Health Focus (GHF) is a network of students and professionals working to shape critical thinkers and leaders in global health. GHF aims to connect young health leaders, innovators and researchers with global health experts around the world and foster productive collaboration and a lifetime of professional growth. Two branches of GHF, namely Africa and Asia, have been active in global health education and research since 2015. Since then, GHF has developed a strong network of young leaders working with international organizations, leading global health initiatives, and publishing the world's top journals.

In collaboration with the UPN Veteran Jakarta Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM), GHF for the first time held a series of global health events in Indonesia consisting of scientific writing and publication workshops for lecturers, global health and leadership workshops for students, as well as the Global Health Seminar. with the theme of Disaster which is open to the public and held in a hybrid manner, face-to-face at the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika UPNVJ Auditorium and online via zoom meeting . (18/7)

This collaboration is a form of embodiment of UPN Veteran Jakarta's vision to build a superior community of researchers and global health leaders as well as an initial step in the development plan for the UPN Veteran Jakarta Center for Disaster Preparedness Studies.

The 2023 Global Health Focus (GHF) Research Seminar entitled " Achieving University Excellence through Research " is a scientific writing and publication workshop for UPNVJ lecturers to learn interactively with Editor-In-Chiefs and professors who have published many scientific articles in international quality journals . Speakers present: Prof. Don-Eliseo Lucero-Prisno III, Founder of Global Health Focus - Editor-in-Chief of Public Health Challenges (Wiley) - Faculty Member, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Prof. Jason Junjie Huang Research Assistant Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Co-Chair, NCD Global Health Working Group , APRU, Prof. Dewi Susanna Professor of the Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia. (17/7)

In addition, on the second day (18/7), LPPM will hold a seminar with the theme "The Environmental Impact on Human Health: Climate Change and Natural Disasters." This will discuss topics around disaster by inviting researchers, experts and practitioners in various fields. directly intersecting with the issue of disaster and its impact on human health. This seminar consists of two sessions and is open to the general public. Speakers present; Prof. Don-Eliseo Lucero-Prisno III - Founder of Global Health Focus-Editor-in-Chief of Public Health Challenges (Wiley) - Faculty Member, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, dr. Bagus Tjahjono, MPH - Main Expert Widyaiswara BNPB RI, drg. A. Hadijah Pandita, M.Kes (Head of the Data and Information Management Working Team, Health Crisis Monitoring), Dr. Sonny Harry Budiutomo Harmadi, SE., ME. - Head of Behavior Change, COVID-19 Task Force, Desak Nyoman Sithi, S.Kp., MARS-Lecturer at UPN Veterans Jakarta, Dr. Ir. Eko Teguh Paripurno, MT - Lecturer at UPN Veterans Yogyakarta. (18/7)

And the Global Health Emerging Leaders Program (GHELP) which will be held on 20 - 21 July 2023. This workshop is a leadership and global health training intended for UPNVJ students. GHELP will equip students with the skills to identify and analyze global health issues, discuss and collaborate in responding to global health cases, as well as guidance in developing scientific papers or writings. At this workshop , competitions were also held for the Best Essay and Best Presentation for a total prize of IDR 5 million. The speakers present, Prof. Don-Eliseo Lucero-Prisno III-Founder of Global Health Focus- Editor-in-Chief of Public Health Challenges (Wiley)- Faculty Member, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Prof. Jason Junjie Huang - Research Assistant Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong - Co-Chair, NCD Global Health Working Group, APRU and Dr. dr. Yessi Crosita Octaria, MIH-Lecturer of UPNVJ.

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