Increasing Ranking, LP3M UPNVJ Holds UI Green Metric 2023 Audience

HumasUPNVJ - UI Green Metric is a UI innovation that has been widely recognized internationally as the first higher education ranking in the world based on high commitment in managing the university environment. In line with this, the UPN Veteran Jakarta Development, Learning and Quality Assurance Institute (LP3M) held a UI Green Metric 2023 rating hearing.


LP3M UPNVJ invited Dr. Junaedi, SS, MA as Vice Chair of Programs, Communications, and Partnerships to provide direction to all audience participants which include faculty level leaders (Deans and Deputy Deans), Heads of Bureaus, Heads of Institutions, Heads of Campus and Heads of UPTs and Field Coordinators within UPNVJ.


Satria Yudhia, Head of LP3M said that UPNVJ needed guidance from professionals regarding Green Metric, “We want LP3M to be more widely known by the public. One of the ways is by doing and achieving rankings. We also always appeal to all academicians, especially from LP3M, to work optimally and work smart. Therefore, we hold hearings like this as often as possible so that we can produce a lot of output that focuses on ranking so that UPNVJ can be even more advanced, "said Satria in his opening

This audience activity took place face to face in the UPNVJ Nusantara 1 meeting room.

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