Liza Marielly Djaprie, Discusses Mental Health, Bullying, and Sexual Harassment to 4,000 Freshmen of UPNVJ

HumasUPNVJ - UPN Veteran Jakarta New Student Campus Life Introduction (PKKMB UPNVJ) the second day (9/8) also presented one of the well-known psychologists, Liza Marielly Djaprie. On her occasion, Liza discussed in detail about Mental Health, Bullying, and Sexual Harassment in front of approximately 4000 new UPNVJ students.

Liza explained that good mental health is a condition when our minds are in a peaceful and calm state, allowing us to enjoy everyday life and respect other people around us. Liza said that any psychological issues that are not resolved properly will become a time bomb for the emergence of behavioral problems in the future.


Not only discussing mental health, Liza also explained in detail the problems of bullying that are rife among teenagers, starting from triggers, types of bullying to how to deal with bullying, "There is not one main factor that can be said to play the most role in the bullying process. Family factors, social environment, character, personality, school conditions, community, all can play a role in mutually supporting the process of bullying. But most importantly, bullying occurs: because it is assumed that it can help 'solve' the individual's social problems. There are various types of bullying that exist, including: physical, cyber, social, verbal, sexual and prejudicial. So to all UPNVJ freshmen, pay attention to our own behavior and even those around us, don't let us become one of the perpetrators of bullying." Obviously Liza

Apart from mental health and bullying, another thing that is no less important is the problem of sexual harassment. "We must understand exactly what is meant by Sexual Harassment, from a psychological perspective, namely an action that is carried out by a person or party to another person or party repeatedly, where the action is felt to be very disturbing, intimidating or even threatening. Which can result in victims experiencing disturbances, both physically and mentally, “he concluded

"This is a concern because the number of complaints to Komnas Perempuan has increased to 4371 from 4322 cases. This number means that on average Komnas Perempuan receives 17 complaints per day.” continued Liza

The problem that often happens to victims is that many victims of sexual harassment are silent because when they report what they are experiencing, more ignore, blame and even amused by what they are experiencing than people who calm victims down.

In this Liza session, the UPNVJ Sexual Violence Prevention and Handling Task Force (Satgas PPKS) team was also present to explain to all UPNVJ freshmen who were present, that UPNVJ also provided a place to provide protection to victims of sexual harassment. The PPKS UPNVJ task force team includes representatives of lecturers, students and UPNVJ staff from each faculty.


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