In the Spirit of Improving Academic Quality, UPNVJ Inaugurates 3 Professors

Public Relations UPNVJ - In the spirit of improving reputation and academic quality, the National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta has appointed three Professors in three different fields of science. This inauguration is the largest during UPNVJ's existence.

UPNVJ Chancellor Dr. Drs. Anter Venus, MA, Comm said that Professors as those who hold the highest academic position and are considered to be scientifically mature, ultimately bear responsibility for maintaining the essence of higher education as a center of science and civilization.

"In fact, it could be said that their biggest responsibility is to maintain the reputation of universities as scientific institutions," said Venus in a speech at the start of the Open Session for Inauguration of Professors at UPNVJ's Pondok Labu Campus, Jakarta, Thursday, September 14 2023.

Regarding the roles and responsibilities of professors and the academic traditions of universities throughout the world, Venus noted that there are four most important things that need attention.

First, obtaining the title of academic professor should be accompanied by the awareness that this is recognition of academic capacity. The word professor is rooted in the Latin word 'Professus' which means a person who is recognized as having in-depth expertise in a particular field of science.

The recognition referred to is related to public recognition of someone's expertise. In the word 'professor' there is a person's scientific credibility embedded in the eyes of other people.

Second, the contribution expected from a professor or professor is in building the university's academic reputation. Quoting the statement of the Professor of the Bandung Institute of Technology, Prof. Edi T. Baskoro, this reputation building can be demonstrated by the number of reputable international publication documents (Scopus) owned, the average citations owned by Professors, and the average H-Index of each Professor.

Apart from that, contributions to helping the university's academic reputation are also made through scientific publications, books that are worthy of being quoted, popular scientific publications in the mass media as part of scientific communication (science communication) and becoming speakers in scientific forums which are used as references by the academic public.

Third, professors are expected to be able to always maintain academic culture and ethics.

"And fourth, teachers are also expected to play a role in developing junior lecturers to develop their scientific capacity in order to achieve the academic position of Professor as the main career path for lecturers," concluded Venus.

The three professors confirmed in the UPNVJ open session this time are:

1. Prof. Dr. A. Heri Iswanto, SKM, MARS. from the field of Health Economics, Faculty of Health Sciences

2. Prof. Dr. Dr. Basuki Supartono, Sp.OT, FICS., MARS from the field of Orthopedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine

3. Prof. Dr. Prasetyo Hadi, SE, MM from the field of Management Science, Faculty of Economics and Business

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