UPNVJ Professor of Health Sciences Voices the Urgency of Lean Six Sigma

Public RelationsUPNVJ - The health economy in Indonesia is currently facing big problems. There is a hospital deficit due to hospital costs being greater than the INA-CBG claim costs

This was conveyed by Prof. Dr. A. Heri Iswanto, SKM, MARS., one of three Professors who were inaugurated in the inauguration open session at the National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta, Thursday, September 14 2023.

INA-CBG claims refer to the amount of claim payments by BPJS Health to Advanced Level Referral Health Facilities for service packages based on groupings of disease diagnoses and procedures.

According to Heri, the problem of hospital cost deficits in Indonesia can be handled using the Lean Servperf approach.

"The advantage that is difficult to match about Lean compared to other methods is its high reliance on qualitative data. Lean carries out qualitative evaluations even though the solutions it provides are standard for general problems," said Heri.

Commonly used tools to help implement lean include value stream maps, visual management, Ishikawa diagrams, kanban, standardization, and Kaizen process maps.

Lean, which is oriented towards qualitative data and creativity, allows him to contribute to health economic problems in Indonesia. Lean provides a solution to the problem of hospital deficits due to hospital costs. Lean six sigma can effectively reduce the level of waste that occurs in hospitals and reduce this deficit and even increase profits.

"Imagine, if we could implement Lean Thinking in all health service centers in Indonesia, there would be a lot of costs saved and a lot of lives saved because there were no medical errors," said Heri.

Many health service facilities at the first level will experience improvements in quality and safety in their work processes. Meanwhile, referral health service facilities have superior quality performance.

This not only means that patients throughout the country, even remote areas, can be served well. Indonesia, said Heri, could even become a new medical tourism destination that beats Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia, which are currently the destinations for medical tourists from Indonesia to get better services and healing prospects.

Finally, Heri said that an overview of the role of Lean Six Sigma in producing recommendations for improvements to wasteful service attributes is very important for increasing hospital efficiency and therefore, improving the quality of health economics.

Lean Six Sigma is considered capable of providing systematic, efficient, effective and sustainable quality improvement solutions but tends to be simple and can be applied in various types of hospitals.

"This scheme improves the flow of consumer value and understands specific hospital or unit consumer needs, to provide the best service. Lean Six Sigma is also able to work during a pandemic as has been proven during the Covid-19 period. Lean Six Sigma is an important part of the future of our health services," concluded Heri.


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