Scientific Oration by Professor of FK UPNVJ Highlights the Benefits of Network Engineering Techniques


Public RelationsUPNVJ - The body's musculoskeletal (MSK) tissues such as bones, joints, muscles and other similar tissues have strategic value for human life so they need to maintain the integrity of their structure and the quality of their function. Various diseases such as congenital disorders, infections, neoplasms, injuries and aging can attack tissue, causing structural damage and reducing its function.

This explanation regarding musculoskeletal tissue was conveyed by Prof. Dr. Dr. Basuki Supartono, Sp.OT, FICS., MARS from the field of Orthopedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, in the Open Session for the Inauguration of Professors at the Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University on Thursday, September 14 2023.

To effectively cure MSK-related diseases, there is a procedure called tissue engineering techniques.

The essence of this technique is to engineer body tissue that experiences regeneration disorders or other inhibiting factors so that it can produce good body tissue.

According to Basuki, MSK disease has become a major health problem in Indonesia. The latest research in 2021, the economic and health burden of MSK, is even greater than stroke and several other diseases.

"This motivates me about how we can build a healthy and strong nation," said Basuki.

By pioneering the establishment of a Stem Cell or Stem Cell laboratory at UPNVJ, Basuki hopes to further encourage the implementation of tissue engineering techniques in curing various MSK diseases.

When the human body is affected by disease, said Basuki, an inflammatory response occurs. After that, growth factors will appear which will lead to cell regeneration.

"But this natural healing process sometimes doesn't work ideally and there are disruptions, and this is where tissue engineering techniques are used," said Basuki.

Opportunities and Challenges of Network Engineering Techniques

He said that tissue engineering techniques can be carried out using a combination of stem cells, scaffolds and signaling molecules. This technique can produce quality tissue in a promising new treatment scheme.

"These three components can be likened to rice fields. There is rice, there is land, and there is fertilizer as a growth factor, so it can produce good results," said Basuki.

Quoting Prof. Dr. Dr. Ismail Hadisoebroto Dilogo, SpOT(K), tissue engineering techniques can save time, reduce complications, reduce the duration of surgical procedures, reduce donor morbidity, and provide effective results.

Closing the explanation, Basuki said that tissue engineering techniques have many opportunities, but there are also a number of challenges.

"I invite everyone to maintain musculoskeletal health so that we can continue to work productively, defend our beloved nation and homeland, while continuing to worship Allah SWT," said Basuki.

"To the students, let us continue to study because this is the only path of glory to a happy and prosperous life."

"To fellow lecturers, let's continue to contribute in the fields of education, research and community service as a way to raise the dignity of the nation on the world stage," he concluded.


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