Public RelationsUPNVJ - The education and training series among faculty leaders at the Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University continues on Tuesday, November 7 2023. This time, the theme raised is around efforts to improve Key Performance Indicators (IKU) related to student achievement.
UPNVJ faculty leaders are encouraged to map out strategies to improve student achievement, specifically regarding various activities such as provincial, national or international competitions.
"Students have been mapped from the start. Who is on the achievement track, and who seems to have potential. From the start they have been coached, mentored and mentored so that their achievements can be further honed," said the Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation, Dr. Dr. Ria Maria Theresa, SpKJ.
Various competitions that students can take part in must also be mapped out. For example, if a study program has a routine national competition, said Ria, it must be prepared well in advance. Not limited to just participating, UPNVJ can also take the initiative to create their own competition.
After this training activity, UPNVJ faculty leaders must map out a plan to increase student achievement for 2024. The mapping must be as detailed as possible.
Ria explained that strategies that can be implemented to make this happen through collaboration between various parties include forming an organizational team; determine a shared vision and mission; planning budget and human resources; Division of tasks; determining the type of competition; scheduling; establishing rules and guidelines; fundraising; promotion and registration; implementation of events; evaluation and report; as well as awards and recognition.
"So everyone has to be prepared, the students, their companions, and the coaching from the start. Don't suddenly ask students to just take part in the competition," said Ria.
For example, continued Ria, the Faculty of Engineering (FT) must prepare everything to take part in the energy-saving car contest next year. FT must be able to prepare, for example IDR 80 million, for the costs of making or modifying a car, sending prototypes, travel costs for students and supervisors, and so on.
"The hope is that faculty leaders must support all student activities, and because the budget is relatively large, they must be prepared from now on," concluded Ria.