Public Relations UPNVJ - Approaching the time for New Student Admissions (Penmaru), the Public Relations of the Jakarta Veteran National Development University received invitations to visit Penmaru outreach activities in the context of Education Expo activities from several Senior High Schools (SMA) / equivalent, state and private.
One of them, SMA Negeri 02 Gunung Putri, one of the most favorite high schools in Bogor Regency, also invited UPNVJ Public Relations to be a resource person at the education expo activity.
As in the previous Penmaru promotional outreach, UPNVJ Public Relations presented UPNVJ information and also opened an exhibition booth .
The activity took place face to face, in the school area of SMA Negeri 02 Gunung Putri, Bogor Regency, Monday 11 December 2023.
UPNVJ Public Relations provides understanding regarding lecture information at UPNVJ. Not only students and teachers, but also parents of students from SMA Negeri 02 Gunung Putri.
Not only providing information about campus, UPNVJ Public Relations also distributed merchandise to students who actively asked questions and dared to answer quizzes given by UPNVJ Public Relations.