Hold discussions, UPNVJ supports improving human resources for health in South Barito Regency


Public Relations UPNVJ - As a follow-up to the signing of the collaboration some time ago, the Regent of South Barito Regency visited UPN "Veteran" Jakarta ( UPNVJ ) again.

Dr. H. Deddy Winarwan. During his visit, the Regent of South Barito Regency, M.Si, was welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) and the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKES) with their staff as well as the Head of the Academic Bureau.

His visit this time discussed the follow-up to the signing of cooperation with universities which focused on the UPNVJ Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Health Sciences.

“We have coal and gold mines, our rivers are unique and rich in fisheries resources. We also have a black water ecosystem which there are only 2 in the world. In South Barito there are many natural resources, but clinics and doctors are very rare, there are even sub-districts that don't have doctors at all. "The population is not large but spread across various villages," said Deddy in a discussion held at the Faculty of Medicine Building, on Thursday (18/01/24).


"Therefore, we want to encourage more sons and daughters from South Barito Regency to go to school outside to become doctors or nurses or midwives so that they can come back and help here. There is a minimum of 1 midwife, nurse and doctor for 2-3 villages. "We have community health centers, facilities, hospitals, but there are no human resources," explained Deddy.

"I fully support what is needed based on our experience. We will monitor and guide the children who come as a result of this collaboration. There are 3 tests, namely psychological tests, academic tests, and state defense tests. We at FK focus on areas where human resources are weak. After carrying out this collaboration, we need a PIC who can be contacted 24 hours. "Because what children need is not only academic and psychological but also a place to live, nutritious food, a good environment." Welcome Dr. Taufiq Fredik Pasiak, Dean of FK UPNVJ .

In line with this, Desmawati, the Dean of FIKES, also said that she would also support this collaboration. For FIKES itself, there are 8 study programs which will later increase to 9 study programs.


"There aren't any for midwives yet, but in the nursing profession there will be many who are interested in midwifery so it depends on where they are interested. If possible, we ask for people with good achievements and good attitude. We can research and develop how the resources there can be packaged or become products. "We can also educate the community," explained Desmawati.

In accordance with the aim of this collaboration, the Regent of South Barito Regency stated that they want to reduce the poverty rate there, improve the quality of natural resources and improve human resources so that everything can work together.

“We really hope that this collaboration can be implemented. Apart from that, our community is very enthusiastic about participating in this program," added Deddy.



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