"Scrapbook" Art Exhibition Decorates the UPNVJ Five One Green Theater Anniversary Series

Public Relations UPNVJ – In celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Green Lima One Theater (THLS UPNVJ), an art exhibition entitled Scrapbook and Pearl of Memories was successfully held in the lobby of the Soemari Internet Plaza UPNVJ on January 29-31 2024. Event It displays a variety of works of art that reflect the diversity of thought and inspiration of the participating THLS members.

After being investigated by the UPNVJ Public Relations team who had the opportunity to attend the second day of the exhibition, the theme Pearl of Memories was raised because the number 30 is often symbolized by Mutiara, "The Lima Satu Green Theater's 30th anniversary. "Well, the number 30 is often symbolized by pearls." Said Siti Nur Anjani when interviewed by UPNVJ Public Relations. The woman who is familiarly called Ani is a Bachelor of Management student who serves as Chief Executive of THLS' 30th Anniversary.

On this occasion, Ani explained that this exhibition was formed from the reflections of each active THLS member. Ani took the example of a work entitled Chapter 30, the work of a member named Zefanya, who has been active at THLS for almost 3 years. His work shows several performances that he has participated in, such as the second room, spring tears, ajeng sound, etc.

At the same time, the Chairperson of the Lima One Green Theater, Risa Farah Sabila, who was present at the time also added that all the works and installations displayed in this exhibition originally came from the thoughts of the members who referred to the big theme of Dies Natalis and narrowed it down to sub-themes. which is still closely related to THLS' daily activities.

"For example, in Popular Expression, there are sad and happy expressions in this work that visualize humans experiencing sad and happy situations. Well, THLS members often do this during daily training. "We have something called taste training, many triggers can come from small things." Said this Bachelor of International Relations student.

If described, the exhibition held by THLS transformed the Soemari hall into an art gallery, filled with clippings, paintings, art installations and photographs of memories of THLS activities which created an interesting visual experience.

When asked about one of the most iconic works in existence, Ani determined the answer to be an installation of an old bicycle parked in the middle of the venue . THLS members polish it to make it more beautiful and attractive. This bicycle seems to be a silent witness to the THLS journey because it has been in the THLS secretariat room for a long time.

“Just my favorite, okay? This is me (pointing to the bicycle installation). This bicycle was there before I entered the Lima One Green Theater. "I don't know how many years this bicycle has been around but since the bicycle is no longer very good for use, it's better if we make it into an installation and the shape will be so interesting, so funny."

Meanwhile, Risa pointed to one of the scrapbooks made by a member named Rifa. According to him, Rifa's work shows off her hidden talents. Risa assessed this work as exceeding her expectations of Rifa. The reason is that Rifa presents theater in the form of a three-dimensional scrapbook which is packaged uniquely and creatively.

"If I had this, it's from Rifa. Her name is. So at this theater we don't just do theater, bro, we try to accommodate children in whatever art it is. So from here, in the end, we can explore their potential. One of them was Rifa, I was quite surprised by her idea, she said that she wanted to show the theater in a scrapbook. "The scrapbook he made uses the 3D method and can really depict emotions."

Behind the success of THLS's 30th Anniversary celebration, it turns out that it was not free from several obstacles. The chief executive said that time was one of the difficulties faced. Preparations for the anniversary were carried out in a fairly short time, namely only three weeks for three series of events. Luckily, students were on holiday from college so each member had enough time to prepare everything.

“From me, it's time. Our preparation work took a month, really three full weeks. We have thanksgiving, celebrations, there are exhibitions too, right? So, we really divided those three weeks, one full week for exhibitions, then one full week for stages and venues and all kinds of things, and another week for finishing. That's the most challenging thing." I'm Ani.

Another difficulty lies in the human resources at THLS. In accordance with Risa's report as Chair of THLS, all active members for this period are women. This makes it quite difficult for heavy work that requires more energy.

“We are all women, sis. Whether this is unique or what, since Covid the majority of us are women. We really do everything, sis. Luckily there was help from seniors, in terms of older brothers who had graduated but still had membership at the Lima Satu Green Theater, some help with quite heavy work. "The help from our brothers made our work easier." Obviously.

Fortunately, all the obstacles mentioned were overcome because the seniors and alumni who were still closely connected with THLS provided their time and energy to make the birthday celebration of their beloved organization a success.

UPNVJ of course also participates in supporting this positive activity. Permission from the university to use campus facilities and infrastructure even on holidays really helps THLS to create celebrations that are embedded in the memories of every member.

Ani, as Chief Executive of the 30th Anniversary of THLS, expressed his gratitude to UNPNVJ for supporting licensing activities and all kinds of things. Adequate facilities and decorations that met Ani's expectations made her even more enthusiastic in preparing for THLS' 30th Anniversary. Ani also admitted that she was even more motivated to continue working through THLS to make her alma mater proud.

The Chairman of THLS also really appreciated the enthusiasm of the entire UPNVJ academic community who took part in enlivening the series of THLS 30th Anniversary events. Small things like taking the time to come to the exhibition mean a lot to every THLS member.

Not only that, Risa also showed respect and gratitude to the THLS members themselves for giving their time, energy, thoughts, work and even materials to organize this Dies Natalis.

Finally, Risa advised all THLS members not to give up and stop working. To UPNVJ, Risa hopes that the university can continue to support THLS in every positive activity carried out to channel the talents and interests of each member.

It is known that the series of THLS 30th Anniversary events are divided into three, namely thanksgiving, celebration and art exhibition. (sf – UPNVJ Public Relations)

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