Public Relations UPNVJ - Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University (UPNVJ) held a health test for prospective students who passed the 2024 National Selection Based on Tests (SNBT) at the Merce Building, Faculty of Medicine, UPNVJ Limo Campus, Depok, West Java on Friday, June 14 2024.
The health test is a mandatory requirement for all prospective new UPNVJ students.
The series of health examinations include tests for freedom from narcotics and dangerous drugs/substances, consisting of Amphethamine, Methamphethamine, Cocaine, Morphine, Marijuana and Benzodiazephine. Apart from that, there is a special color blindness test for prospective new students at the UPNVJ Faculty of Medicine.
Based on a report by Fajar Nugroho as Coordinator of New Student Admissions, it was stated that the number of health test participants on the first day was 1,200 people out of a total of 2,214 students who passed the SNBT route.
“In the next two days we will carry out medical tests. Today we received approximately 1,200 prospective students who will take medical tests. "I hope everything can run smoothly and there are no significant obstacles," said Fajar.
In the initial stage of the health test, participants are given a queue number, then the participant number is called and payment is checked in the finance section. After that, participants were invited to enter the registration section, where they continued to check their blood pressure and were given pots or urine storage containers.
“Participants take turns giving their urine results to health workers for the doctor to check. "After completion, participants are given sample results by the doctor and informed to upload the results to the page as proof that they are drug-free and not color blind," explained Fajar.
Based on the monitoring of the UPNVJ Public Relations team, the health test process went relatively smoothly. There are a few problems where prospective new students forget to make payments. However, the officers are ready to help overcome this problem and various other obstacles.