27 Prospective New Students Take the 2024 UPNVJ SEMA Skills Test


Public Relations UPNVJ - Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University (UPNVJ) is again holding a skills test for achievement pathway participants in the 2024 Independent Selection (SEMA).

Different from previous years, SEMA UPNVJ not only opens achievement pathways for Hafiz Quran or Muslim participants, but also for other religions such as Hinduism, Christianity and Protestantism.

"We are holding this based on interest and talent. We want the prospective students who are selected to be a good influence on UPN in the future," said UPNVJ Chancellor Anter Venos in an online connection on Saturday, June 29 2024.

"We hope that in the future the existing understanding can give rise to a spirit of solidity and religious tolerance, so that they can be a good influence on their friends," he continued.

Venus wants to ensure that this year's achievement pathway is carried out well, and that the skills test can screen prospective students who are truly skilled in their fields.

"And here we ensure that they are experts in this field and meet the SEMA UPNVJ requirements," said Venus.

This year, there were 26 participants in the Hafiz Quran achievement pathway and one Utsawa Dharma Gita achievement pathway for Hinduism.

In its implementation, there are several judges who assess the participants' skill tests. From the results of the judging, the skills test can be an added value in the SEMA UPNVJ process.

One of this year's participants is Adara Faadhilah Putri. This 18 year old prospective student from South Tangerang took the Hafiz Quran achievement skills test and chose the Nutrition and Sharia Economics study program at SEMA UPNVJ.

"Thank God, the skills test has been completed, although there are still many shortcomings. "Hopefully the results will be satisfactory," said Adara. Adara herself has currently memorized 25 juz of the Koran.

"I had a problem during the test, because I was the first female participant to advance, I was really nervous. In my opinion, the judging was quite good. Thank God, I also got verses or questions that I already understood. I hope I can get the best results and pass the study program I want," he hoped.

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