UPNVJ Becomes the First PTN to Open a Path to Achievement for Hinduism, Protestant Christianity and Catholicism


Public Relations UPNVJ - Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University (UPNVJ) opened an achievement path with the addition of Hinduism, Protestant Christianity and Catholicism this year, making it the State University (PTN) in Indonesia that does this.

UPNVJ Chancellor Anter Venus decided to open this additional path of achievement as part of the National Defense identity which has high religious tolerance.

On his occasion, Fajar Nugroho as UPNVJ New Student Admissions Coordinator said that the implementation of the UPNVJ SEMA Skills Test which was carried out today wanted to ensure that participants' achievements were correct and could be proven to the assessors.

"We hope that the selected new student candidates can pass on the value of tolerance to their other friends, and can be a good influence on a generation that has high tolerance values," explained Venus in her speech at the opening of the skills test on Saturday, June 29 2024.

The Chancellor also plans to add a Buddhist achievement pathway next year.

"With this, we also plan to add a path to Buddhist achievements next year," he added

In this year's skills test, there was one participant in the Utsawa Dharma Gita achievement pathway for Hinduism.

Dr. Ni Nyoman Sudiani, M.Fil.H, jury for Hindu participants, appreciated and thanked Venus for making UPNVJ the only PTN in Indonesia that provides special opportunities for Hindu participants.

"In my opinion, this is indeed something extraordinary, because the Chancellor's idea is for everyone to increase religious tolerance, so that various religions are included in the achievement path," said Ni Nyoman Sudiani.

"And I really appreciate that we who are Hindus are also given the opportunity to follow this path of achievement," he continued, when met in the UPNVJ Library Room.

"From the information I know, UPNVJ is the first to make Utsawa Dharma Gita a requirement for entering State Universities. So this is a very good step and will make UPN's name proud," said Ni Nyoman Sudiani.

He explained that the Utsawa Dharma Gita assessment criteria were based on national competitions so the instruments had been tested. "We will see whether the Indonesian language is good and correct, how accurate it is, whether the intonation and vocals are appropriate or not," he concluded.

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