Traditional clothing colors the commemoration of Pancasila's birthday at UPNVJ


Public Relations UPNVJ - The entire academic community of the Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University (UPNVJ) held a flag ceremony to commemorate the Birth of Pancasila on Saturday, June 1 2024.

Located in front of Dr. Wahidin Faculty of Medicine, UPNVJ, the Pancasila Birthday ceremony was held solemnly.

Different from before, this year's Pancasila Birthday ceremony was enlivened by participants wearing traditional clothing from various regions of the archipelago.

On this occasion, UPNVJ Chancellor Anter Venus as the ceremony supervisor shouted the Pancasila slogan to the participants and read the speech of the Head of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency of the Republic of Indonesia.

"Pancasila's Birthday in 2024 has the theme 'Pancasila is the Soul of Unifying the Nation Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045.' "This theme contains the intention that Pancasila unites us with all ethnic, religious, cultural and linguistic differences in welcoming 100 years of advanced, independent and sovereign Golden Indonesia," said Venus.

In this very historic moment, Venus invites national components everywhere to work together to embed the values of Pancasila into every aspect of social, national and state life.

"As a static table, Pancasila has proven to be able to unite us in facing various waves of challenges and historical tests, so that to this day Indonesia remains strong and resilient as a great nation. Meanwhile, as a dynamic star, Pancasila is the guiding star that has brought Indonesia to the gates of progress and prosperity in the current era of globalization of technology and information," he said.

With a strong Pancasila spirit, Venus is confident that all the challenges faced by the Indonesian people can be overcome. Moreover, in the midst of the global crisis, Indonesia was able to maintain the country's economic, social and political stability. This success is certainly a contribution of mutual cooperation among all the nation's children with the Pancasila ideology as its basic foundation.

Still in her speech, Venus also explained that we should all be grateful and proud that the Indonesian nation has proven to be a mature nation, both in democracy, as a nation and as a state.

"We must be grateful and proud to have passed democratic general elections safely and peacefully for the sake of upholding people's sovereignty, the constitution and national unity," concluded Venus.

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