Improving Education Quality, FT UPNVJ's Undergraduate Program in Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding Achieves Excellent Accreditation

Public RelationsUPNVJ The Undergraduate Program in Naval Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, National Development University (UPN) "Veteran" Jakarta achieved a brilliant achievement by achieving superior accreditation from LAM Teknik. This is an extraordinary achievement that confirms the study program's commitment to providing the best naval architecture education.

The superior accreditation was issued after a comprehensive evaluation of the academic quality and facilities of the FT UPNVJ Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding Undergraduate Study Program.

UPNVJ Public Relations had the opportunity to conduct an interview with the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, Muchamad Oktaviandri "The achievement of the Excellent accreditation predicate for the Naval Architecture Study Program is real evidence of the hard work of the academic community at FT UPNVJ in general and the Naval Architecture Study Program in particular, to continue to improve the quality of education and academic services at FT UPNVJ. In addition, of course this achievement cannot be separated from the support of the University Leadership, institutions, Bureaus, UPA, along with all their respective ranks, including lecturers, students, alumni, education staff, graduate users and other related parties. For that, to all parties, we convey our highest gratitude and appreciation," he concluded.

"Currently, there are four Study Programs (Prodi) at the Faculty of Engineering, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, namely the Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program, the Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Study Program, the Naval Engineering Undergraduate Study Program and the Electrical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program. The Naval Engineering Undergraduate Study Program is the 3rd Study Program to receive the Excellent accreditation predicate after the Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Study Program and the Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program. Meanwhile, the Electrical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program is still in the accreditation process. This will certainly open up greater opportunities for graduates to compete in the world of work and business. It is hoped that all study programs can continuously maintain their excellence in producing quality and highly competitive graduates with a national defense identity. In the future, it will be planned to obtain IABEE International accreditation for study programs at FT UPNVJ," he continued hopefully.

The Undergraduate Program in Naval Architecture at UPNVJ is known for its curriculum that is oriented towards the latest technology and practical applications, as well as strategic partnerships with various maritime industries. With this superior accreditation, this study program further strengthens its position as one of the leading centers of naval architecture education in Indonesia.


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