UPNVJ's Annual Academic Tradition, Research and Community Service Week 2024, Officially Held

HumasUPNVJ – UPN “Veteran” Jakarta (UPNVJ) officially held its annual event, Research and Community Service Week (Pekanlit), which started lively today (27/08). This event was held as part of UPNVJ’s commitment to improving the quality of education and community welfare through Research and community service activities.

UPNVJ Rector, Dr. Anter Venus, MA., Comm, in his speech said that Pekanlit is an important part of the university's academic tradition. "Ladies and gentlemen, this is part of our academic tradition," said the Rector, emphasizing the importance of this event in building and developing a scientific culture among lecturers and students.

Venus also emphasized that research and community service are the backbone of UPNVJ. "This campus is not just for education (learning), but in it research activities are integrated and become one of the orientations of the existence of lecturers here. Lecturers are educators and scientists. Scientists mean exploring knowledge, developing knowledge," he explained. He appreciated the hard work of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) which has shown many achievements, including obtaining funding from abroad.

Research activities at UPNVJ, according to the Chancellor, have become a strong tradition, where topics of discussion have developed towards ideas, solutions, and scientific findings. The Chancellor also expressed his pride in seeing a significant increase in research and publications at UPNVJ. "Today we witness the results of the research carried out which are realized in the form of products or prototypes," he added.

Throughout the week, various interesting activities will be held, including digital marketing workshops, writing seminars, talk shows, book reviews, and bazaars of UMKM products fostered by INKUBIZ UPNVJ in collaboration with the Depok City Government and the UPNVJ Alumni Association. In addition, an exhibition of the results of research and community service programs carried out by UPNVJ lecturers and students will also be held.

Concluding his remarks, the UPNVJ Rector emphasized the importance of this event for the campus community and hoped that Pekanlit would continue to be a tradition that would grow stronger in the UPNVJ environment. "Pekanlit is an extraordinary event," he concluded enthusiastically.

With this Research and Community Service Week, UPNVJ once again demonstrates its commitment to providing positive contributions to society and encouraging the creation of an empowered and knowledgeable young generation.

Pekanlit at UPNVJ is not only a place for exhibitions and research development, but also a means to strengthen the role of the university in fostering society through literacy and service activities, in line with UPNVJ's vision to become a superior university with a national perspective.

After giving his speech, the Rector accompanied by the Head of LPPM, the Head of the National Defense Cadre Activist (PKBN), representatives from the UPNVJ Alumni Association, and UPNVJ lecturers and students, solemnly held the scissors that would be used to cut the ribbon as an official symbol of the start of this year's Pekanlit series of activities. Cheers and loud applause were heard when the Rector cut the ribbon, marking the official opening of the Literacy and Community Service Week.

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