Public Relations of UPNVJ - Pride has once again been on the side of the National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta ( UPNVJ ) after one of the students of the Communication Science Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UPNVJ, Shabila Kahirina, who is a member of the Banten Province women's rugby team, won a bronze medal at the 2024 National Sports Week (PON) held in Aceh - North Sumatra.
In the final match of X Rugby which took place at Lambung Field, Banda Aceh on September 10-12, 2024, the Banten women's rugby team showed an impressive performance, fighting hard against teams from other provinces. Although they had to be satisfied with a bronze medal, this achievement was a milestone for Khairina, because this competition was her childhood dream come true, "This competition is my dream since I was little, a dream that I have dreamed of since I was in junior high school, and with pride this year I can make it come true, bringing home a bronze medal for Banten province in a very prestigious event in Indonesia is an honor for me, and the Banten Women's Rugby Team", she said with emotion and happiness to the UPNVJ Public Relations team (18/9)
"In my opinion, this competition is not just a place to show off our talents, but this competition can also strengthen the bonds of brotherhood between us, athletes in Indonesia, so that tolerance in Indonesia will certainly continue to run well," he continued.
Khairina explained that in the X Rugby women's branch, there are 6 provinces including Banten, Bali, DIY, East Kalimantan, Aceh, and North Sumatra, each team sending 10 players.
"My team and I have prepared many things, since last year during PraPON we prepared as best as possible from physical strength to technique, and we did training 7 times a week, Monday and Wednesday we did technique training, Tuesday and Thursday we did physical training, Saturday and Sunday we had physical and technique training. In addition to preparation, I have also gone through many things, from joy to sorrow while I was preparing for this activity. The joy is because I can meet tough and never give up people and I can also continue to train my mentality to become a fighter's mentality, the sorrow is only a little, maybe sometimes I don't have much time with my family at home, because I have to focus on training, but all of that is not something that can prevent me from achieving my dreams," said Khairina.
"I hope that in the future there will be many national and maybe even international competition targets that I want to follow and win, a message for other #belanegara friends, hopefully we can all become people who have humble personalities and always want to fight, never be satisfied with the efforts we have achieved, keep trying to be more than what you imagine, of course to make Indonesia and our beloved campus, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta proud", finally. (*s)