UPNVJ Chancellor Opens FGD on Dominus Litis Principle in Criminal Procedure Law Reform

Public Relations of UPNVJ – The Chancellor of the National Development University “Veteran” Jakarta (UPNVJ), Prof. Dr. Anter Venus, MA., Comm officially opened the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the theme "The Principle of Dominus Litis in Updating Criminal Procedure Law", which was held at the Bhineka Tunggal Ika Auditorium, UPNVJ Rectorate Building on Tuesday, February 25, 2025.

The activity initiated by the UPNVJ Faculty of Law presented various speakers from academics, legal practitioners, and law enforcement institutions, including Dr. Fachrizal Affandi, SH, MH (Chairman of the Association of Criminal Law and Criminology Lecturers – ASPERHUPIKI), Prof. Dr. Bambang Waluyo, SH, MH (Professor of the UPNVJ Faculty of Law), as well as representatives of the District Attorney's Office from various areas of Jabodetabek.

In her remarks, Prof. Venus emphasized the importance of the Dominus Litis principle, namely the role of prosecutors as the main controllers of criminal cases, in the Indonesian justice system. "The role of prosecutors in the criminal procedure system cannot be underestimated. This FGD is a strategic forum to discuss and formulate recommendations for legal reform that can strengthen the position of prosecutors in our criminal justice system," she said.


Topics of Discussion in FGD
This discussion covers various aspects of dominus litis, including:
• The role of prosecutors in prosecution and investigation in the criminal procedure system in Indonesia.
• The prosecutor's authority to terminate prosecution as regulated in Article 140 of the Criminal Procedure Code.
• Involvement of prosecutors from the start of the investigation to increase the effectiveness of coordination with investigators.
• Updating the substance of criminal procedure law, especially in the Draft Criminal Procedure Code (RKUHAP), to better reflect the more optimal role of dominus litis.
• Application of the principle of restorative justice in resolving criminal cases.

Through this FGD, it is hoped that academics and legal practitioners can unify perceptions regarding dominus litis and provide academic input for the development of more effective and fair criminal procedural law.

This activity also serves as a forum for law students and lecturers to better understand the dynamics of criminal procedure law reform and the role of the prosecutor's office in upholding justice in Indonesia.

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