Tuesday, May 28 2015 at the IDX Room, lt. 4 Gd. M. Husni Thamrin UPNVJ Faculty of Economics held an E-Audit Seminar entitled "The New Generation of Audit" . The event started at 09.00 WIB attended by Mr. Satria Yudhia Wijaya SE, MSAk as the Head of UPNVJ S1. Accounting Study Program and his staff, acting as speakers Mrs. Ria Anugriani, SE, M.Com, Ak, CA as the speaker from BPK (RI Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia) and Mr Jb. Widodo Lestarianto, Ak. M.ak. CIA, CISM as speakers from KMK guided by Moderator Mr. Supriyadi, Ak. CA, AAP as seminar moderators, as well as students and other invitees.
The seminar material discussed by Mrs. Ria Anugriani discussed the " E-Audit Program to Support Transparency and Accountability of State Financial Management and Audit of the Indonesian BPK". The duties and functions of the BPK RI include carrying out audits, management and responsibility for state finances. The types of audits carried out are financial audits, performance audits and audits with a specific purpose.
Meanwhile Mr Jb. Widodo Lestarianto took the theme " E-Audit Understanding and Experience of the Inspectorate General of the Indonesian Ministry of Finance" . In this seminar, he explained the meaning of Internal Audit, which is an independent and objective assurance and consulting activity designed to provide added value and improve an organization's operations. In the context of the Government of Indonesia, internal audit can be equated with internal control to strengthen and support the effectiveness of the Internal Control System. Internal Control is a process that is influenced by the highest leadership (board of directors, board of directors ), management and other personnel in an organization, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives related to operations, reporting and compliance.
Anindya Faradina Putri Larasati, Bachelor of Accounting student at the Faculty of Economics class of 2012 as the Chief Executive said that budget irregularities are not new in the economy, irregularities that are detected or not certainly affect the giving of opinions by auditors. Departing from this, an e-audit emerged which was expected to be able to solve the problem. It was on this basis that HMJ AKS1 held this seminar, bearing in mind that later the students attending would be "financial retainer candidates". It is hoped that events like this will continue in the coming year and that the campus will have more adequate facilities because it invites guests from government agencies every year.