Wednesday, May 27 2015 at Lt. 3 Gd. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Faculty of Medicine held a seminar entitled "Mobile Computing is Connecting the World" . The seminar initiated by the UPNVJ Faculty of Computer Science invited experts who mastered the field of "Mobile Computing" . Present at the event were Ms. Erly as the Head of D3 Information Systems Study Program, Ms. Yuni as the Head of Information Systems S1 Study Program as well as FIK UPNVJ staff and FIK students who participated in this seminar.
On this occasion, Mr. Yumarsono Muhyi, ST, MM as the resource person delivered his material entitled "New Android Concept: Programming Without Code" . As long as the concept is still descriptive programming, the point is to describe or sequence the work steps . Programming languages are "only" ways of writing in expressing work steps, with a certain writing standard. As for the essence/core of Programming are Input/ input and Output/ output , Operations (Arithmetic and Logic), Branching ( If, Then, Else, Switch ), Looping ( For, Do, While ). Native Android facts include being very fun and friendly when being operated ( slide, clicking, pinching ), making users forget themselves, that what is being pursued is a function not a feature, making Android programs natively (with the original language), not as comfortable as when using Android .