Faculty of Economics Seminar Discusses Digital Progress in the Economy

Seminar of the Faculty of Economics

Discuss Digital Progress in the Economy

Monday, November 27, 2017

The Faculty of Economics has conducted a Seminar with the theme "The Influence of Digital Progress in the Economy" at the Muh. Husni Thamrin 4th floor, Thursday (23/11).


The seminar, which was carried out by a combination of Islamic Economics and Development Economics Study Programs, began with remarks from Dr. Prasetyo Hadi, SE. MM. CFMP as the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business in his remarks, he said that with this seminar, it would become a place for discussion to prepare the curriculum for Development Economics and Islamic Economics. The influence of digital progress as the basis for achieving a prosperous economy helps reduce poverty and unemployment thanks to current advances in digital technology

This event was attended by 130 participants by presenting Intan Rahayu S.Si, MT as the Head of Information Security Culture Sub-Directorate of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics as a speaker. The event ended with the awarding of plaques from the committee to the speakers. (Anisa's report)


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