Healthy Living Through FISIP CARE Activities

Healthy Living Through FISIP CARE Activities

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The FISIP Student Executive Body (BEM) carried out the “FISIP Care” activity at the Muh. Yamin FISIP UPN "Veteran" Jakarta today (28/11). This activity is one of a series of Black Box events presented by BEM FISIP every year.


The FISIP care activity this time raised the theme “ Let's Act do Donate ” by presenting 2 speakers, namely Ms. Valencia Mieke Randa as the founder of the Blood For Life Indonesia Social Community and Ms. Annisa from the Indonesian Cancer Child Care Foundation (YKAKI).

The event began with remarks from the Head of the Communication Studies Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Damayanti, S.sos. M, si. In his remarks, he said "he really appreciates the event held by BEM FISIP and other active FISIP students, he also hopes that this event will continue every year and the scope can be even wider".

A series of FISIP Care activities are blood donors, free health checks and blood donation counseling from the Blood For Life Social Community and Inspiring Life from the Indonesian Cancer Child Care Foundation (YKAKI). Approximately 150 participants attended this event including FISIP students and UPN "Veteran" Jakarta employees. This event ended with the submission of donations from UPN "Veteran" Jakarta students to the Indonesian Cancer Child Care Foundation. (Anisa's report)


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