Visit of the UPNVJ RB Team to UNPAD



Jakarta, November 2017

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Group photo
UPNVJ RB Team meeting with Univ. Padjadjaran

In order to study the public service system at Padjadjaran University and to obtain information about services and information systems used in public services at Padjadjaran University, on Friday, October 27 2017, the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Bureaucratic Reform Team visited Padjadjaran University.

On this occasion, the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta RB Team was led by the Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance, namely Dr. Erna Hernawati, AK., CPMA, CA. Also present at the event were the heads of the fields, namely Chair I: Dr. Anter Venus, MA.Comm, Chairman II : Dr. Drs Ec. Prasetyo Hadi, MM, Chairman III : Dr. Iwan Kresna Setiadi, SE, MM along with all field coordinators.

The UPN "Veteran" Jakarta RB team was welcomed by the Deputy Chancellor for Governance, Planning and Information Systems Unpad, namely Dr. Sigit Suseno, SH., M.Hum and his staff.

Apart from conveying the purpose of the UPN "Veteran" RB Team coming to Unpad, Dr. Erna also expressed her hope that Unpad would get a lot of input and guidance which would later make UPN "Veteran" Jakarta develop more quickly according to current demands.

Responding to this, Dr. Sigit Suseno explained that bureaucratic reform at Unpad was carried out in stages since it became a Legal Entity State University (PTNBH). It was further said that “Bureaucratic Reform at Unpad started with governance reform through changes to OTK. In terms of planning and information systems, we will do this through reform of information systems and information technology, and from the financial side we will do this through a remuneration system and continue to reform in other fields, including academics and research.”

Also explained by Dr. Sigit Suseno that in terms of public services, one of the results of bureaucratic reform is the establishment of the Unpad Integrated Service Center. The unit integrates the service system of all directorates in one place. Besides that, it can prevent the practice of KKN (collusion, corruption and nepotism). And to start all of that, the system must be prepared first, then fortified with rules so that later you will get used to it. (UPNVJ Public Relations)

Submission of plaques from UPNVJ to Univ. Padjadjaran

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