Preparing Law Students Mentally at the National Level competition through the Moot Court Competition
Jakarta, 3 November 2017
From September 18 to November 2 2017, the Faculty of Law held an Internal Moot Court Competition for the Mr. Soepomo IV. This activity is an annual event on moot court presented by the Moot Court Unit, this event takes place in Dr. Soetomo Fac. Law and continued at the top event held at the Bhineka Tunggal Ika Auditorium at the Development University "Veteran" Jakarta.
In this activity, each delegation participating in the competition must make a dossier in the preliminary round consisting of investigation dossiers, trial dossiers, and legal opinion which will be the benchmark for whether the delegation will enter the final round or not.
This activity aims to train Law Faculty Students to carry out the National Mood Court between Universities throughout Indonesia. This event received extraordinary enthusiasm, both from students and the leadership of the Faculty of Law.
P The winners in this competition are:
1st Winner (Local C Class of 2016)
Second Place (Local E Class of 2016)
Third Place (Local E Batch 2017)
(Anisa Triselia UPNVJ Public Relations)