Visit of UPNVJ Village Development Grant Team to Cimulang Village, Bogor

A visit to the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Student Village Development Grant Program in Cimulang Village, Bogor

Jakarta, 6 November 2017

On Monday, November 6, 2017 the Head of Section along with Student Affairs staff of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta and the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) visited the activities of the Village Development Grant Program located in Cimulang Village, Bogor Regency. Real work practice activities carried out by UPN "Veteran" Jakarta students.

During this visit, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta and Ristekdikti were welcomed by the local Village Secretary Mr. Jamalludin, in his remarks he said this activity was very useful especially for the people of Cimulang Village, and he hoped that this program would continue and UPN "Veteran" Jakarta students would not tired of continuing to try and teach the village community to turn regional potential into something that can be of value for the progress and prosperity of the local village.

On this occasion, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta students simultaneously displayed their creative results from their real work practices, in the form of handicrafts from processing plastic waste and plastic bottles using the ecobrick method which were shaped like flower vases, seats placed as reading gardens and playgrounds for local village children, besides that UPNVJ students assisted by the local community can make fertilizer from organic waste materials to develop the agricultural sector in Cimulang Village, Bogor. (Anisa's report)

Village Development Grant Program Team and Cimulang Village officials


The work of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta students

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