Finalization of the Preparation of University Course Semester Learning Plans

Finalization of Preparation of Semester Learning Plans

University Courses

Monday, 18 December 2017

UPN "Veteran" Jakarta held a " Workshop Finalizing the Preparation of University Course Semester Learning Plans (MKU)" at the Aston Hotel Jalan TB Simatupang, Friday (15/12). MKU_4.jpeg

The event began with remarks by Prof. Ir. Eddy S. Siradj, M.Sc.Eng as Chancellor of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. In his remarks he said "This workshop is very important because MKU is a subject that must be taken. In the 2017 academic year there were 3 additional new Study Programs, namely, Political Science, Islamic Economics, and Development Economics. Furthermore, in the 2018 academic year, 3 new Study Programs will be opened, namely, Pharmacy, Electrical Engineering, and Traditional Indonesian Health. In 2020 it is expected to reach 12000 students. This year there will be a special room for MKU lecturers," he said.

The resource person who attended the Workshop this time was Yashinta Soelasih, SE, M.Sc from Atmajaya University. Participants who attended this event totaled 51 people including UPNVJ leaders and lecturers.


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