Introducing UPN "Veteran Jakarta in Campus Expo 2017

Introducing UPN "Jakarta Veterans in Campus Expo 2017

Anisa Triselia's report

Monday, 18 December 2017 | 09.31

Mr. Ilham Nur, SAP. MM during a presentation
at SMAN 10 Depok

UPN "Veteran" Jakarta participated in the 2017 Expo Campus activities organized by SMAN 10 Kota Depok, Saturday (18/12). UPN "Veteran" Jakarta represented by the Public Relations Team participated in the exhibition. Apart from opening the Booth , Public Relations of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta also made presentations related to new student admissions and entry pathways and Study Programs within the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta environment.

The aim of this activity is to further introduce UPN "Veteran" Jakarta as a State University in the DKI Jakarta area which is characterized as a State Defense Campus and to make UPN "Veteran" Jakarta the main choice for high school graduates of the same level to continue their tertiary education.

This activity was attended by 20 tertiary institutions and other higher education institutions and was attended by teachers, parents and students of SMAN 10 Depok City as well as several high schools and vocational schools in the vicinity.


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