Handover of Positions MENWA UPN "Veteran" Jakarta
Period 2017-2018
Thursday, 7 December 2017 | 09.30
The UPNVJ Student Regiment Unit carried out the handover of positions for the 2017-2018 period at the Garuda Auditorium, fourth floor, UPN "Veteran" Faculty of Engineering, Jakarta (6/11).
At the position handover ceremony this time the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Moeljadi, SE, SU, M.Sc served as the inspector of the ceremony and Azmi Ubaidillah, a student at the Faculty of Law, served as the leader of the ceremony. This event was attended by UPNVJ officials and representatives of the Jayakarta Battalion Unit.
Group photo with MENWA coaches
In this event the signing of the inauguration handover document was carried out by the Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs witnessed by Danmenwa Jayakarta. The position of the MENWA Commander for the 2017-2018 period was handed over to Ilham Maulana from the Faculty of Law and Achmad Kurniadi as Deputy Commander of MENWA from the Faculty of Engineering.
Before the event ended the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Moeljadi, SE, SU, M.Sc congratulated the MENWA Commander who had been appointed "congratulations to the new MENWA board, I hope they can serve as best as possible and can develop the existing organization even better" he said. (Anisa's report)