FIK UPNVJ Computer Science Journal Passes SINTA 4 Accreditation


HumasUPNVJ - Proud news comes from the Faculty of Computer Science (FIK) of the National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta (UPNVJ). The FIK Computer Science Journal adds to the number of journals from UPNVJ accredited by the National Science and Technology Index (SINTA) 4.

Head of the FIK UPNVJ Computer Science Journal, Erly Krisnanik, S.Kom.,MM, said that all journals that will be published must undergo strict selection.

"We ensure that every published article has high academic quality with strict selection through a peer-review process. Standardization of journal governance: we optimize journal management by following the guidelines of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek)," explained Erly when interviewed by the UPNVJ Public Relations team, Tuesday, March 25, 2025.

In addition to improving the quality of articles with strict selection, Erly and the team are trying to improve the OJS (Open Journal System) system by involving academics from various institutions. It is hoped that this step can improve the objectivity and quality of article reviews, to actively promoting the journal so that more researchers are interested in submitting quality articles to the FIK UPNVJ Computer Science Journal.

"This is what we do for preparation because it must be in accordance with the standards set by the Ministry of Education and Science. Later, if you have friends from other campuses who want to publish, please send them to the informatics journal," he concluded.

Erly's achievement was not smooth. There were several obstacles that he and his team encountered in the process.

"There are quite a lot of obstacles faced, especially in terms of incoming papers because they have not been accredited, so it is very difficult to get papers from outside if not supported by cooperation from other campuses," said Erly.

In addition, he continued, the quality of the articles submitted does not all meet journal standards, so guidance is needed for prospective authors.

The limited number of reviewers who are in the right field of research and have the free time to conduct in-depth reviews is also a challenge. The editorial team works in parallel with other academic tasks, so good time management is needed to keep the journal running optimally.

"One of the big challenges in improving accreditation is increasing the number of citations of published articles," said Erly.

Although the obstacles faced were quite diverse, Erly said that everything could continue with the full support of the university through the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM).

"Alhamdulillah, we have an LPPM institution that always monitors and provides coaching for our journal management team, so that they can follow journals that meet the established standards," said Erly.

"There is also support from the faculty, especially the dean and his staff, who provide facilities for the completion of journal editing and editing. Other support also comes from lecturers and educators who help the process as journal managers," concluded Erly.

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