Inauguration of the BI Corner and Educational Seminar on the Faculty of Economics and Business

Inauguration of BI Corner and Education Seminar

faculty of Economics and Business

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Head of D3 Finance and Banking Study Program Siti Hidayati, SE, MM Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) and Bank Indonesia (BI) held the Inauguration of the BI Corner in the FEB UPN "Veteran" reading room, Jakarta, Monday (18/12). This event began with remarks and continued with a ribbon cutting as a symbol of the inauguration of the BI Corner by UPNVJ Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir. Eddy S. Siradj, M.Sc.Eng.


This activity was followed by a Seminar on Central Banking Education at the Bhineka Tunggal Ika Auditorium, 4th floor. The event was started with remarks by the Dean of FEB Dr. Prasetyo Hadi, SE. MM. CFMP. This seminar is aimed at students and structural staff and permanent lecturers within the Faculty of Economics and Business.

This Education Seminar presented speakers Fadjar Majardi Deputy Director Head of BI Representative Office DKI Jakarta Province and Rizky Utama as Public Services Analyst DKI Jakarta Representative Office BI. Participants who attended this event totaled 80 people consisting of officials and student representatives majoring in FEB.


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