Workshop on Strengthening the Preparation of the Asean University Network

ASEAN University Network Strengthening Preparation Workshop

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

LP3M UPN "Veteran" Jakarta held a " Workshop on Strengthening Asean University Network (AUN) Certification Preparation, Especially the Bachelor of Accounting and Bachelor of Management Study Programs" in the LPPM Meeting room, 4th floor, Wednesday (20/12).

The event began with remarks from the Vice Chancellor II, Ms. Erna Hernawati. worksop_lp3m.jpeg In his remarks he expressed his gratitude to Mr. Yohanes Prama Gentur who had attended as a guest speaker from Gajah Mada University.

"I thank you for the presence of Mr. Yohanes for sharing about Strengthening the Internal Quality Assurance System towards the Asean University Network . I hope that with this program, especially for the Bachelor of Accounting and Management Study Programs, I can prepare myself to become a member of AUN as well as possible and hopefully become a motivation for other Study Programs," said Ms. Erna Hernawati in her remarks.

This workshop discusses more deeply about what must be prepared and what indicators are needed to lead to the Asean University Network (AUN). This workshop was attended by 37 participants consisting of leaders and lecturers from the Faculty of Economics and Business, especially the UPNVJ Bachelor of Accounting and Management Study Programs. The event ended with a light discussion and questions and answers from the participants to the speakers.

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