Election of the New Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences UPN "Veteran" Jakarta
Wednesday, 18 January 2018 |
The Faculty of Health Sciences (Fikes) UPN "Veteran" Jakarta held an Exposure and Election for Dean Candidates for the 2017-2021 period at the 5th Floor Auditorium of Building B Limo, Wednesday (18/01). The candidate for the Dean of Health Sciences who will present his vision, mission and program, namely candidate number 1 Dr. drg Wahyu Setiadi, MARS, candidate number 2 Dr. A. Heri Iswanto, SKM. MARS and candidate number 3 Dr. Ir. Reda Rizal, B.Sc. M.Sc.
The event began with remarks by UPNVJ Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Eddy S. Siradj, M.Sc.Eng. In his remarks he expressed his hope for the three dean candidates to advance the Faculty of Health Sciences (Fikes).
The event continued with the presentation of the vision, mission and work programs by each of the selected Dean Candidates. From this presentation, it can be concluded that the three dean candidates have visions, missions and goals that are not much different, namely to develop the Faculty of Health Sciences in terms of infrastructure and create students who have competitiveness.
In the afternoon, the program continued with the election of voting rights conducted by lecturers and educational staff of the Faculty of Health Sciences with a total DPT of 56 votes. The results of the election for voting rights were obtained by candidate number 1 winning with 38 votes, and candidate number 2 getting 8 votes while candidate number 3 getting 0 votes. There were 2 participants who did not use their voting rights and 1 invalid ballot. With these results stated that Dr. drg. Wahyu Setiadi, MARS won the voting rights for the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. These results will be submitted to the Chancellor of UPNVJ for consideration and determination of the final outcome.