UPNVJ Initiates Tridharma Cooperation with UIN Ar Raniry Banda Aceh

Public Relations of UPNVJ - Banda Aceh: The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of the National Development University “Veteran” Jakarta (UPNVJ) and the FISIP UIN Ar Raniry initiated the Tridharma of Higher Education cooperation by signing a cooperation agreement in Banda Aceh on February 6-8, 2025.

Present representing UPNVJ were the Dean of FISIP Dr. S. Bekti Istiyanto who was accompanied by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Fitria Ayuningtyas and the Vice Dean for Cooperation, Student Affairs and Alumni, Musa Maliki, Ph.D.

Meanwhile, representatives from UIN Ar Raniry were Dean of FISIP Dr. Muji Mulia, M.Ag., Vice Dean for Academic and Institutional Affairs, Eka Januar, M.Soc.Sc., Vice Dean for Planning and Finance, Muhammad Thalal, Lc., M.Si., M.Ed., Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Cooperation, Reza Idria, S.HI., MA., Ph.D., Head of Political Science Study Program, Ramzi Murziqin, MA, Head of Public Administration Study Program, Muazzinah, M.PA. and her staff.

Dr. Muji Mulia stated that cooperation between universities is one of the important strategies in the development of higher education in Indonesia. One form of cooperation that can be done is through the Tridharma of Higher Education, which includes education, research, and community service.

UIN Ar Raniry, as one of the leading higher education institutions in Banda Aceh, has great potential to collaborate with various other universities.

According to data from the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, the number of accredited higher education institutions continues to increase, reaching more than 4,500 institutions in 2022 (Kemdikbud, 2022). This shows that competition in the world of education is getting tighter, so collaboration is very important to improve the quality of education.

The initiation of this collaboration aims to create synergy in the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education, which in turn will improve the quality of graduates and the relevance of education to the needs of society and industry, added Dr. S. Bekti Istiyanto.


The Potential of UPNVJ and UIN Ar Raniry

Furthermore, it is important to identify the potential and strengths of each university that can be used as a basis for this cooperation. UIN Ar Raniry, with various quality study programs and adequate facilities, has many advantages that can be utilized.

On the other hand, partner universities must also have a vision and mission that is in line with Singaperbangsa University. This is important so that the cooperation that is established can run smoothly and be mutually beneficial.

For example, collaboration with universities that focus on environmental research can make a significant contribution to community service, especially in the context of today's increasingly pressing environmental issues.

According to a report from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS, 2022), Indonesia faces various environmental challenges, such as deforestation and pollution, which require serious attention from all parties.

With this background, the initiation of the Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi cooperation between UIN Ar Raniry and other universities is expected to provide a significant positive impact. Through this cooperation, it is expected to create innovation in education, more relevant research, and more effective community service.

Thus, this cooperation will not only benefit both parties, but also contribute to the development of society as a whole and support IKU 3, IKU 5 and the performance agreement of each dean.


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