Flag Ceremony Launching New Values
UPN "Veteran" Jakarta
Friday, January 19, 2018
Photo by Dedi Muzaini
The Red and White Flag Raising Ceremony in the context of Launching New Values at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Field, Friday (19/01), went solemnly and smoothly.
Acting as the Ceremony Supervisor of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Eddy S. Siradj, M.Sc.Eng entered the ceremonial field around 07.35 WIB, and on this occasion the team that was in charge of raising the red and white flag were Faculty of Medicine students.
The launch of the New Values was made by mutual agreement by leaders, lecturers and education staff. These New Values are a new way of working within the UPNVJ environment. The new values are abbreviated with the acronym PIKIR, which stands for PROFESSIONAL, INTEGRITY, STRUGGLE, INNOVATIVE, and RESPONSIVE.
The promulgation of these Values is a new milestone for the University as a new State University. In this year's flag ceremony the Chancellor of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta also conveyed the stages of organizational development within the University.
Photo by Dedi Muzaini
"Our organization will undergo four stages of development including the Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing stages . After the 2014 determination as a PTN, which we call the Forming stage, then for three years we undergo a transitional period marked by various upheavals and dynamics, which we call the Storming stage. Now we are entering the Norming Stage, which is an orderly and orderly situation based on definite work guidelines, complete regulations, and a way of working that is based on the values of the work culture that we have built together," he said.
Today's Flag Ceremony ended with the pinning of the New Values pin, distribution of New Values banners to Lecturers and Education Staff and the signing of the inauguration of the New Values by all UPN "Veteran" Jakarta academics
Photo by Dedi Muzaini
Photo by Dedi Muzaini
Photo by Dedi Muzaini