Menwa Basic Military Training UPN "Veteran" Jakarta

Menwa Basic Military Training UPN "Veteran" Jakarta

Tuesday, 9 January 2018 | 14.13

UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Student Regiment (Menwa) and Company Leadership Academy Menwa in collaboration with Squadron 461 Paskhas Halim Perdana Kusuma carry out Menwa Jayakarta Basic Military Training at Battalion 461 Paskhas Halim Perdana Kusuma, the opening ceremony was held on Monday, 8 January 2018.

Basic Military Training Opening Ceremony

The resource persons who attended this year's Basic Military Exercise were the Deputy Commander of Battalion 461 Paskhas and the Commander of Menwa Jayakarta and Assistant for Operations Jayakarta. This activity is aimed at prospective members of the Menwa UPN "Veteran" Jakarta and the Menwa Academy of Company Leadership class of 2017 which lasts for 6 (six) days from 8 to 13 January 2018. Participants in this activity totaled 29 people, consisting of 21 women and 8 men, including the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Student Regiment and the Company Leadership Academy Student Regiment.

Menwa Member Candidates
in Latsarmil Activities

The form of this activity is in the form of Basic Military Training which is included in the basic aspects of the Student Regiment as a supporting component that is useful for the community in military activities and social activities that are not included in the Military world but must be carried out with good discipline and accuracy which is commonly called Non-Military.

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