Visit of the Scholarship Program Assessment Team
Bank Indonesia to UPN "Veteran" Jakarta
Greetings to Fellow Students
Thursday, 25 January 2018
In connection with the submission of the Scholarship Assistance proposal submitted by UPN "Veteran" Jakarta to Bank Indonesia, today 4 (four) representative employees from Bank Indonesia namely R. Agus Trianto, Bimala, Rizky Utama and Abdul Rachman visited UPNVJ with the aim of conveying some requirements and taking special documents as an initial step in the Education Scholarship Assistance Program from Bank Indonesia.
Taking place in the Chancellor's Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, the leadership and staff and the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business and staff were present to deliver their presentation to Bank Indonesia.
The event began with remarks by UPNVJ Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir. Eddy S. Siradj, M.Sc.Eng. In his remarks he expressed his gratitude for the presence of representatives from Bank Indonesia to UPNVJ, he also conveyed the condition of many students who have underprivileged backgrounds with high achievements. Of course, under these conditions they need financial assistance to expedite the lecture process. In addition, the Chancellor also conveyed the ongoing UPNVJ bidikmisi program to reduce the number of students who need tuition assistance.
The event continued with a presentation from the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Dr. Prasetyo Hadi, SE, MM in his presentation he conveyed as a whole about the Faculty of Economics and Business starting from the vision and mission, organizational structure, accreditation and so on.
From the presentation of the FEB Dean, Bank Indonesia represented by Mr. Abdul Rachman conveyed an explanation regarding one of Bank Indonesia's concern programs, namely Smart Indonesia, which underlies the provision of this scholarship assistance. He also conveyed the requirements and specific documents that UPNVJ had to submit, especially the Faculty of Economics and Business in order to meet the requirements for recipients of Bank Indonesia Scholarship Assistance. In addition, Mr. Abdul Rachman also submitted several questions to the Chancellor regarding the completeness of the Scholarship Assistance Program files.
The activity continued with a question and answer session with representatives of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta students as the final series of collecting files for the Bank Indonesia Scholarship Assistance Program which would later determine whether UPNVJ was entitled to receive the Scholarship Assistance program.