Anticipating the Spread of Diphtheria, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Students Are Given Vaccines

JAKARTA - As we already know, diphtheria has become a topic of conversation in Indonesia because it has become an increasingly widespread epidemic known as an Extraordinary Event (KLB). Based on data, from January to November 2017 there were 593 cases of diphtheria spread across 95 regencies and cities in 20 provinces with a death rate of 32 cases. World Health Organization (WHO) data on diphtheria shows the number of diphtheria cases in Indonesia has fluctuated since the 1980s.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), diphtheria is an infectious disease in the form of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper esophagus, base of the throat, and trachea. The bacteria that causes diphtheria spread quickly not only in areas where health services are considered poor, but also attack residents in the capital who are considered to have a much better health care system. This bacterium attacks the upper respiratory tract with symptoms of high fever, sore throat, difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing.


The prevalence of diphtheria cases and population density in the provinces of DKI Jakarta, West Java and Banten are quite high, so that residents are strongly encouraged to vaccinate against diphtheria. With this background, the Pondok Labu Kelurahan Community Health Center carries out ORI (Outbreak Response Immunization), namely additional immunization specifically carried out in areas experiencing extraordinary events (KLB). Special immunization activities are aimed at UPNVJ students with an age limit of up to 19 years.

The administration of the vaccine was carried out from 28 February to 1 March 2018 at 9.00 to 15.00 WIB at the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Polyclinic Room. According to data on the Diphtheria vaccine participants this time there were 2,240 people including UPNVJ students.

according to dr. Chintia Ramadhani Endismoyo also took the opportunity to convey " This diphtheria vaccine aims to reduce and eliminate diphtheria cases, especially in the province of DKI Jakarta. So with this the DKI Jakarta government is collaborating with the Cilandak District Health Center to carry out the Diphtheria vaccine aged 1 to 19 years at UPNVJ, " he concluded.


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