Jakarta - The Institute for Development, Learning and Quality Assurance (LP3M) UPNVJ held an ISO 9001:2015 Risk Management Workshop which was a continuation of the ISO Workshop activities which were held some time ago. This time the workshop was held at UPNVJ with an implementation that lasted for 2 days on March 26-27 2018.
The ISO 9001:2015 workshop this time was opened with remarks by the Chancellor of UPNVJ. In his speech, the Chancellor of UPNVJ also expressed his hope " Hopefully by holding this workshop, the quality of UPNVJ can be even better in the future, so that it can develop and not be left behind, " he said.
Sustainability is Our Goals is the theme raised in the Risk Management for Educational Workshop . The ISO 9001:2015 Risk Management Workshop presented Mr. Sholichin A. Darmawan from PT DeCRA Group Indonesia as a speaker.
Followed by 45 people including deans and leaders, this workshop discusses what the smallest risks are, which must be taken in running an educational institution. In his presentation, Sholichin said that " In order to understand the risks, a framework and stages must be made, namely overview, knowledge, identification, and implementing, " he said.
In building and maintaining an organization, it must go through various kinds of risks. Coupled with the increasing global market, business, politics, and so on, it also makes risk management must be improved. There are many ways that can be done to manage risk, one of which is communication, Sholichin added " Don't forget the functions of communication and consultation with related parties within an organization ".
In this discussion, it is hoped that there will always be an evaluation of every activity at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta in order to improve existing systems. Existing risk management can be started from the involvement of each faculty at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta which will always be updated later.