FIKES UPNVJ Encourages Optimization of Cadres Regarding Effleurage Touch Therapy


HumasUPNVJ - The role of health cadres is very important in efforts to improve the quality of life of patients undergoing palliative care at home. This treatment aims to improve the quality of life for patients suffering from serious or terminal illnesses.

In relation to this, the Nursing study program of the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKES) of the National Development University “Veteran” Jakarta conducted community service with the theme “Optimizing the Role of Cadres in Palliative Home Care Touch Therapy (Effleurage Massage),” which was held last week at the Dahlia Senja Posbindu, Limo Village, Limo District, Depok City.

Eleven cadres and eleven elderly people attended this agenda. This community service activity was intended as an effort to increase the understanding of cadres and elderly people regarding palliative care home care touch therapy, especially cadres who will implement it directly to local residents.

Various efforts have been developed, including touch therapy or (effleurage) which has been proven to provide comfort, reduce pain, and improve the emotional well-being of patients.

Effleurage massage therapy is a therapy that is given by giving a gentle massage to the back to the buttocks, heels, knees, and elbows of patients who are at risk of developing decubitus. This therapy can increase blood circulation in the massaged area, so that the oxygen supply to the skin tissue can increase in order to reduce decubitus.

Decubitus is a wound that occurs on the skin and underlying tissue due to continuous pressure on a certain area of the body.

Massage effleurage is a massage technique with rubbing movements. Massage effleurage has the effect of improving blood circulation, so that oxygen supply can be met to prevent decubitus.

By performing effleurage massage, it can help reduce the risk of pressure sores due to prolonged bed rest due to chronic diseases that cause elderly people to experience mobility disorders.

This activity was also attended by the Chairperson of Posbindu Dahlia Senja, namely Mrs. Hj. Ratna and her staff.

On this occasion, NS Chandra Tri Wahyudi, M.Kes., M.kep explained about optimizing the role of cadres in palliative home care touch therapy (effleurage massage). Also explained about the definition of palliative home care, the purpose and benefits of palliative home care, the role of cadres in palliative home care.

Not only the presentation, the experts also conducted a demonstration of effleurage massage guided by Ns Sang Ayu Made Adyani, M.Kep., Sp. Kep. Kom, Ns. Nourmayansa Vidya A, M.Kep., Sp.Kep.Kom, and Risa Kusuma Anggreani, S.ST., M.Biomed, a lecturer in Nursing and a lecturer in Physiotherapy at UPNVJ, assisted by a number of students.

The cadres and the elderly were directed to pair up, then during the demonstration practice, the cadres were taught the procedure of effleurage massage and directly practiced the massage on the elderly who were present using the tools and materials that had been provided.

"The elderly and cadres can follow this activity very well and are enthusiastic in demonstrating the effleurage massage that has been taught," said Ns. Chandra Tri Wahyudi.

According to the participants, this activity is very useful in reducing decubitus ulcers that occur due to prolonged bed rest. This is proven by all participants who enthusiastically participated in the activity from the beginning to the end of the event.

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