Public Relations of UPNVJ - As an evaluation step for the activities to be carried out by the Student Organization (ORMAWA) within the Faculty of Computer Science (FIK) of UPN “Veteran” Jakarta (UPNVJ), the Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni, and Cooperation Ati Zaidiah, S.Kom., M.TI led a discussion regarding the work program and activity plans of the Student Organization within UPNVJ.
Attended by student staff, representatives from student organizations, Senate, BEM, HIMA S1 Information Systems, HIMA S1 Informatics, and HIMA D3 Information Systems, the discussion took place in the FIK UPNVJ Meeting Room on Wednesday, March 5, 2025.
In this agenda, each Ormawa presented their work programs and activity plans. The main focus of the discussion was to evaluate the activities to be carried out, ensuring that each program has a real impact and supports the Main Performance Indicators (IKU) of FIK UPNVJ.
One of the important decisions in this discussion was the re-screening of activities so that only programs that are truly relevant and impactful can be implemented. In addition, it was decided that there would be no consumption in each activity as a measure of budget efficiency.
Each Ormawa is asked to review their work programs and adjust them to the FIK IKU targets. Activities that do not have strong relevance to the IKU or do not provide significant benefits will be eliminated.
In addition, each student organization is also given time to revise their work program and will report back at the evaluation meeting scheduled for the next two weeks.
With these steps, it is hoped that student activities at FIK UPNVJ can run more effectively and provide more tangible benefits for students and institutions.